Tech Explained

Cryofuse is the NEW application from 3D-lipo. This application will enhance treatment results on any area of the body in just a 5 minute application.

Areas that can be improved with this treatment:

fat reduction thighs


fat reduction bum


abdomen fat reduction stomach



How It Works

Following any 3D-cavitation fat removal or cellulite treatment we have developed a new five minute Cryofuse PPC Protocol that accelerates and acts as a catalyst to enhance the results that can be achieved from the professional treatment. We combine the PPC product and our unique no needle mesotherapy handpiece to deliver the active ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many treatments are recommended?

A course of 6 – 8 treatments is typically recommended for best results.

What results can I expect from this treatment?

When combined with professional treatment and following a healthy lifestyle results can be expected in 2 – 3 weeks.

Can I combine 3D-Cryofuse with other treatments?

Cryofuse is commonly used in combination with other treatments as an add-on treatment to enhance results to support lipolysis, the breaking down of fat in the body, and decreasing the size of fat cells.

What will I experience during treatment?

The cryofuse hand-piece will be placed on the area of treatment, the hand-piece itself is cold and you will feel a tingling sensation whilst the product is being infused. This no-needle product delivery system ensures no pain and no down time. You may feel a mild heat sensation following treatments, this is the PPC serum working to assist in the breakdown of fat cells.

Treatment Summary

Procedure Time

5 minutes per application

Back To Work


Full Recovery




Sensitivity Period

Up to 24 hours

Visible Results

After 2-3 weeks

Duration Of Results

Long-term results

Risks And Complications

Possible mild redness post treatment

Recommended Number Of Treatments


Speak To A Specialist

Speak to one of our specialists to discuss which areas you want to improve and to determine the best treatment for you.